Crete couple Jim and Pat Johnson are in the midst of a years-long endeavor to travel to every town in Nebraska and have already crossed Friend off of their list. They have been traveling off and …
Marvin Kraus of Friend died April 21 at age 84, but not before making a tremendous impact on the local community. “He was a gentleman farmer,” said Stan Houlden, who would see Kraus …
The Nebraska State Association of Elementary School Principals named Exeter-Milligan Principal Laura Kroll the Region 1 Distinguished Principal of the Year last month. She has been educating …
The Friend Rescue ambulance is now equipped with a telemedicine technology called Avel eCare that gives patients a higher level of care and helps reduce the healthcare disparities that exist in rural …
Thanks to a generous donation from a former Friend resident, plans to turn part of the Friend Community Healthcare System hospital into a childcare center got a nice jumpstart recently. On May …
Students from Friend, Exeter and Dorchester were able to get some hands-on experience in several areas, such as operating heavy machinery, welding and truck driving when they attended …
April is Donate Life month, and the Friend Elementary Student Council is calling on the community to give “pages to explore and books to adore” to those in need of extra comfort in this …
And they're off! Friend’s annual Kentucky Derby event and fundraiser is set to be conducted at the San Carlo room Saturday, May 4, at 11 a.m. Event proceeds will be split …
Southeast CASA was a little louder than normal on April 9 when it was joined by Bikers Against Child Abuse (BACA) for a volunteer training. Although the closest chapter is in Lincoln, members …
The Friend City Council accepted a bid to fix the Gilbert Library elevator, which broke a few years ago after a part stopped working. Library director Diane Odoski said the elevator was …