NOTICE OF PASSAGE AND PUBLICATION OF ORDINANCE NUMBER 23-803 Public notice is hereby given that the Mayor and Council of the City of Friend, Nebraska, at their meeting on January 2, 2024, passed and …


NOTICE OF PASSAGE AND PUBLICATION OF ORDINANCE NUMBER 23-803 Public notice is hereby given that the Mayor and Council of the City of Friend, Nebraska, at their meeting on January 2, 2024, passed and approved Ordinance Number 23-803, the title of which reads as follows: “AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 98: NUISANCES OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF FRIEND, NEBRASKA TO CLARIFY THE DEFINITION OF VACANT SEASONAL RESIDENCE; TO REPEAL ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; TO PROVIDE FOR THE POSTING OR PUBLICATION OF THIS ORDINANCE IN PAMPHLET FORM; AND TO PROVIDE FOR A TIME WHEN THIS ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT.” Said Ordinance is published. Copies of the Ordinance are available at City Hall, 235 Maple St., Friend, NE. 68359. John R. Schwab City Clerk/Treasurer FS — January 10, 2024 ZNEZ