FRIEND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SPECIAL WORKING SESSION February 9, 2021 Mayor Knoke called the special working session meeting of the City Council to order at 6:40 p.m. at the City Hall. Councilmembers …


FRIEND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SPECIAL WORKING SESSION February 9, 2021 Mayor Knoke called the special working session meeting of the City Council to order at 6:40 p.m. at the City Hall. Councilmembers present: Jeremy Collier, Kristen Milton, David Sladek, and Shane Stutzman. As required by the Nebraska Open Meetings Act, Mayor Knoke announced that a copy of the Nebraska Open Meetings Act has been posted on the south door of the City Hall meeting room for all in attendance to review. Discussion was had on purchasing the Nickel Building for public works and officing the police department. Billy stated the interest in this building would be to replace two of their current buildings that are in bad shape. In discussion, Dave Sladek asked about the possibility to add on to the current shop located north of the tracks. Billy will investigate the cost and what options are available in adding on to the current shop. Council also discussed steps that could improve the effectiveness of the nuisance property policy. Ideas included having a verbal, then written warning, and if the nuisance is still not taken care of, a fine would be assessed to property owner. Kristen will continue discussion on this with Katie. Chief Gray reported on attending the Village of Exeter Board meeting to continue discussion regarding the interlocal agreement for police services. There was no decision made at this time. Discussion was had on utilizing SparqData for electronic meetings. It was recommended by Council for the City Clerk to pursue contact with Nicole at SparqData regarding a contract for further discussion and approval at the next meeting. Council also discussed the option of purchasing tablets members to use during the meetings if they so choose. The tablets would also serve Council when approving invoices through docMgt. City Clerk will research costs and bring to the March meeting. Council discussed the City Dump and Marv Slepicka’s request for an increase in his monthly fee. It was the recommendation of the Council for Jeremy Collier to continue discussion with Marv on cost options that would be beneficial to both parties. Collier will bring this information back to Council table at the next regular meeting. Discussion was held on having a single source for garbage collection. It was recommended by Council to continue research with both garbage services and determine the best rate for single source collection. No further business to come before the City Council, meeting adjourned at 10:09 p.m. Judith K. Knoke, Mayor ATTEST Kimberly S. Goossen, City Clerk FS — February 24, 2021